Tampere map in Cities Skylines 2

This is map previews series for Cities Skylines 2 and now we look on PREMIUM MAP called Tampere which has buildable 66 % area so building here will be will be a pleasure, as it’s one of the biggest maps Cities Skylines 2 has to offer. And will be available with Pre-order. Let’s look on details, screens and stats of this map.

How should I get Tampere in Cities Skylines 2?

This map is part only of pre-order bonus which mean that If you don’t pre-order Cities Skylines 2 then you won’t get this map.

More informations about Tampere

Tampere, home of Colossal Order, is known for its stunning natural beauty and waterways. The map is located on an isthmus between two large lakes, Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi, which are connected by a river.

Tampere thumbnail from developer diary

The surrounding landscape is characterized by lakes, rolling hills and dense forests. Three linked highway connections can easily form the backbone of the city’s traffic.

Map stats

Map name: Tampere
Buildable area 66%
Base theme: European
Latitude: Northern Hemisphere
Climate Rainy / Sunny from -13°C to 24°C

Outside connections

Connection Availability
Road Yes
Train Yes
Boat Yes
Plane Yes
Power Yes

Natural resources

Natural resource Availability
Fertile land 20.9 km²
Trees 338000 t
Minerals 7316 t
Oil 4381 t


More informations, screens, videos and tips how to start will be updated in future.

More articles about maps in Cities Skylines 2

All premium maps for C:S 2 and how to get them.

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