StrateGGames is website for you if you love strategy games. On our website you should find information about every strategy game which is in trends now. Bellow you should see main topics which you will love and are important for you now…
Trending on StrateGGames
Seriously everything Cities: Skylines 2
October 2023 Hearts of Iron IV
Best WW2 strategy game Victoria 3
Victorian simulation Manor Lords
April 2024 Frostpunk 2
1st half 2024
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Google News
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Facebook Page
Our best articles are published on our Facebook Page where you should follow us. Also we are there active and ready for your comments. Some time we post great memes from community and also quick news for our followers.
Reddit Page
A lot of gaming community is active on Reddit so we created account on Reddit too. You should follow us on user/StrateGGames we are responding on great ideas here and we are trying to help people with theirs problems.
StrateGG News
Every end of month in your inbox you will get surprise from StrateGGames. Inside our hot StrateGG New you will find three top articles from latest month, two new advanced guides and one tipe for game which you should play.

Steam Group
If you are more active on Steam and you want to get our reviews and tips for great strategy games you should follow us as curator and you will get our insights inside store.
Other resources
On Twitter (or alternatively X) you should follow us too. We aren’t share here informations about our articles and content here. But we follow a lot of game developers and share their content. So you should follow us here and we will share great tips from developers.
YouTube is one of our sleeping platform. For now we doesn’t produce content here, but in future as our team will grow we plan to share best from games which we are playing.
Discord server is our small place where you should communicate with redaction. Also we share here best articles from our website and of course we should discuss here and we share your opinion in our content.
Latest website where you should find us are Pinterest where you probably don’t be active (because there aren’t our fans) or you should find us on Nexus.GG what is platform where you should find great deals from strategy games and we will get small share from your buys.
Who operates our accounts?
All of our accounts have one maintainer which is Martin from the redaction and the owner of StrateGGames. So if you react on our posts and you gets response then you probably communicate with him.