This is method which could you generate more money income in Victoria 3 if you use it correctly. In today’s article at StrateGGames we will look how investment pools works and how to use them for your success in game.
What is investment pool in VIC3?
It is a pool of money from which you can finance your economic growth. This fund is contributed by loyal pops in your country and if you work with this game mechanics well you can kick-start your economy to the moon.
How investment pool in VIC3 works?
Basically you must find pops which will contribute to this pool.
They will invest your investment pool every week.
And you could use this money to your economy investments when you building.
How can I get investment pool in VIC3?
There are three ways how can you get contribution to your investment pool from your pops. Is good to know them all and combine them for maximizing efficiency of your economy. The ways are:
- Changing ownership of your factories.
- Setup laws which grants contribution to investment pools.
- Make politics party loyal and use their buffs.
It’s good when you start new game look if there is easy way to enable this contribution. In early phases is investment pools really good for boost.
Which laws lead to higher contribution to investment pools?
Positive impact on pops contribution to your investment pools will have Economic System laws. There are three laws which goes to the direct contribution they are:
- Interventionism
- +5% Aristocrats investment pool contribution
- +25% Capitalists investment pool contribution
- Can subsidize all building types
- Agrarianism
- +25% Aristocrats investment pool contribution
- Can subsidize building types: Agriculture, Infrastructure, Plantations, Ranches, Trade centers
- Laissez-Faire
- +50% Capitalists investment pool contribution
- Can subsidize building types: Infrastructure Trade centers
If I look on pros and cons of this laws and which party supporting this laws. I cant see that from start there could be good use Agrarianism but when mine goal are Capitalism I want to change this to Interventionism and after that for Laissez-Faire like mine pops will change. The last level named Laissez-Faire main groups except industrialist disapprove so it’s really going to be a challenge to open up this law.
Before you pass laws to get your investment pool contribution look if you have enough wealth people in pops groups if you won’t have enough people your contribution will be weak and if you don’t have enough you probably doesn’t have support so you could have problems. Just be aware 😉
If you will need boost capitalist movement you could pass laws Landed Voting or Oligarchy which has +50% or +25% to boost Capitalists political strength. Which could help you get industrialist to your parlament.
For which types of building I can use investments pools?
Investment pool have limitations of what types of construction you could fund. You could use it for building in Agriculture, Plantations, Ranches, Manufacturing Industries, Mines, Forestries, Rubber Plantations, Whaling, Fishers, Oil Extractor and Infrastructure.
If you don’t build any of this type of building bud you have investment pool contribution enabled you will get this money into fond and you could use this money later. In image bellow you could see that I build Government Administration which aren’t covered from investment pools and I money which I could get goes fund in which I had 124k $ and every week I get +26$ more money.
And if you watch carefully you could see that mine budget is bellow zero and I’m loosing 21k per week. So if I get money from pool to mine budget I will be above zero. So if you have investment pools and you want build buildings which aren’t covered is good to split your non covered buildings to phases and build them gradually so you don’t lose money from investment pool budget.
This article is one of detailed guide about Victoria 3. If you want tips how to make more money in VIC3 let’s read our detailed article.