Today was the Gamescom opening night live event. I’ve watched it and there is a selection of strategy games that were at this event. And below you will find everything you will enjoy if you like to play strategy games!
Moving Out 2
Before you start wondering what kind of game this is I’m adding it to the list. So hold on – Moving Out 2 looks like an interesting diversion you can play alone or with friends. Yes it’s not a strategy game, but I believe there will be a need to plan ahead and play with a sense of deliberation – and we like that don’t we?

It looks like a simple game that you’ll be able to take to a party or play with younger siblings at which you’ll probably relax. For me, I can probably recommend taking a look at this game and possibly giving it a try.
Approximate release date: 2023
Platforms where will be available: PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Steam, Nintendo Switch
Tortuga a Pirate’s Tale
The first pure strategy, turn-based game that looks to be a successor to the Port Royal series. Pirate ships and who knows what else. I’m not extremely inclined to get it for my library or not yet, but I like this genre.

It looks like the game will have more elaborate 3D models, but the presentation didn’t show that it would be played in first person. The interface looks very simple so far, but we don’t actually know much yet.
The developers are Gaming Minds Studios who are behind just Port Royal 4 or Railway Empire. No release date yet, we can expect a lot to change – I’ll keep watching.
Platforms where will be available: PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC
Homeworld 3
It’s RTS (real time strategy) and during the stream we got to see a few demonstrations of battles and aircraft classes. The game looks a lot like EVE online, but I don’t have much experience with that sub-genre. And from what we talked about on the stream, this theme is also quite difficult to play.

Age of Empires IV – new free DLC
Forgive me I’ve never been a big fan of Age Of Empire IV, so I’m not in as much detail as I’d like to be, but part of the stream was that a new nation of Ottomans would be coming to Age of Empires IV. And it seems to me that this is one of the first DLC for Age of Empires IV? I’ll have to look into the game more.

Release date: 25.10.2022
It has been announced that the DLC will be free for all, so it will be available on all platforms where Age of Empires IV is available today.
Park Beyond
A pleasant surprise for me was another game in the theme park builder genre called Park Beyond. At first glance I can say it reminded me of Planet Coaster and I thought it might be some crazy DLC, but it looks like a brand new game…

… as I hinted at crazy DLC, I didn’t mean any offense, but it looks like we won’t be building completely realistic parks in this game. As you can see in the picture below so you will be able to “shoot” the ride and it will fly through the air. Be careful though, this is not necessarily a bad thing…

… I see a lot more room for creativity and overall it seemed like the game will be a lot about what you want to afford, try and the result will be interesting parks. I’ll definitely want to take a closer look at this game when it becomes available.
Approximate release date: 2023
Platforms where will be available: next-gen consoles (PS5, Xbox Series X|S), PC
Where are more strategy games?
Okay, I was probably expecting more strategy games, but I understand that this genre is not mainstream and not every gamer plays it. That’s why I’ve put together a few more games that have been announced recently that I’m currently following.
Paradox announced new DLC for Cities Skylines called Plazas and Promenades.
Kalypso Media announced Railway Empire 2 in 2023.
We get more and more information about Victoria III.