Let’s take look on Hearts of Iron 4 save folders. This could be good if you are YouTuber / Streamer or moder and you need to backup your saves from HOI4. But be avare machination with saves could destroy your countries.
Save folders on Windows
To find folder with saves on Windows you need to open this folder:
Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\
If you use cloud saves then you must look to Steam folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\394360\remote\save games
Probably you could have problem that you can’t see save folders. Then you must use “show hidden folders” in settings of your operation system.
Save folders on MacBook
To find folder with saves on MacBook you need to open this folder:
~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/save games/
If you use cloud saves then you must look to Steam folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/<YOUR STEAM ID>/394360/remote/save games
On MacBook I can’t find this folder by clicking file system. So if you have similar problem and you can’t find files you could functions open your files.

Save folders on Linux
To find folders with saves on Linux you need to open this folder:
~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/save games/
If you use cloud saves then you must look to Steam folder also on Linux:
~/.steam/steam/userdata/<YOUR STEAM ID>/394360/remote/save\ games/
Folders on Linux you could find in your home path.
Save folders in cloud?
Best way for me is saving game on cloud because I’m playing HOI4 on MacBook and sometime on GeForce Now which works well on cloud gaming. But there aren’t mods.
Where are stored screenshots?
If you make screenshots with Shift + F12
then you could see screenshots in folder /screenshots
at the same level as saves as I described above. If you make screenshots with F12
then you will find your screenshots in basic Steam screens folder.
Where are saved mods and addons?
If you have saved some mods from Steam Workshop then you could find this mods in basic Steam folders directory which could be Steam folder / steamapps / workshop / content / 394360
but this depends on your installation.